Dr. Aristotelis Tagarakis
Dr. Aristotelis Tagarakis is Assistant Researcher (Grade C) at the Institute for Bio-economy and Agri- technology (iBO/CERTH) with expertise in precision agriculture. Dr Tagarakis received MSc degree in “Automation in Irrigation, Farm Structures and Farm Mechanization” and PhD degree in “precision agriculture” form the University of Thessaly, Greece. In the framework of his PhD he worked as research scholar at Auburn University, Biosystems Engineering department AL, U.S.A., in the area of Precision Agriculture, variable rate fertilization and automated irrigation in maize. Also, he has been Postdoctoral Associate at Cornell University, N.Y., U.S.A., leading the precision agriculture program. Before joining the iBO he was senior researcher at the BioSense Institute in Serbia. He has significant research experience working at various national, European, and other international projects. His main research interests include precision agriculture, remote sensing and sensor networks in agriculture.