Dr. Konstantinos Baginetas
Dr. Konstantinos Baginetas, since July 2019, has been appointed Secretary General of Agricultural Policy and Management of European Funds of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food of Greece. He studied Agronomy at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and he continued his studies at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London on issues of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (M.Sc.) and the University of Nottingham in matters of Interdisciplinary Development of Agro-environmental Sustainability Indicators (Ph.D.). Since 2007 he is principally engaged with investment projects regarding the modernization of agricultural holdings, projects focusing on young farmers entering agriculture and matters of agrotouristic development investment projects. He has attended many workshops, seminars, national and international conferences, where he has presented research papers. He is an External Expert-Evaluator of the European Commission for the program «Horizon 2020» on issues of «Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime Affairs and Bio-Economy».