Dr. Michel Berducat
Dr. Michel Berducat is a senior Research Engineer. Since 1985 he has been working with the Cemagref (1985-2011), Irstea (2011-2019) and now INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environement). Currently, he is Deputy Head of the “Technologies and Information Systems for AgroSystems” Research Unit of INRAE at Clermont-Ferrand – France and in charge of innovation and industrial partnerships.
He has a great experience in project management in automation and robotic equipment’s for out‐door applications with national and international industrial partners. He participated (2008-2013) as French representative in the European Eranet ICTAGRI governing board. In 2017 he took part to the creation of the RobAgri French Association for the acceleration of the development of agricultural robotics in France. Today he is particularly involved in the construction of the AgroTechnoPôle Innovative Platform gathering public and private partnerships for the development of innovative technologies and services for the Agro Ecology to the European level.