Dr. Xin Jiannong
Dr. Xin received his Master’s and Ph.D. degree from University of Florida (UF). Currently, he is an Associate Director at UF/IFAS Office of Information Technology and an affiliated faculty member at Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at UF.
He has broad interests in Information Technology (IT) and the interplay of IT and agriculture, in particular in mobile systems, database, information delivery, decision support systems, and web-based applications in agriculture. His researches have been funded by state and federal agencies. He has coedited 5 books, co-authored two book chapters and many journal and conference articles. Dr. Xin has served as co-chair for several World Congress on Computer in Agriculture and Natural Resources (WCCA). He has also served on leadership and committee member positions in professional societies in the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological, and Food Engineers (AOC), and IEEE Computer Society.