Prof. Claus G. Sørensen
Key-note Speech Title
“Smart Agriculture – what is on the horizon?”
Prof. Claus Grøn Sørensen is head of the Operations Management Unit at Aarhus University, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Denmark. Received his PhD in Production and Operations Management from the Technical University of Denmark. Research include operations analyses and modelling, resource analyses and optimisations, information modelling, system analyses/system engineering. Extensive record of leading and coordinating national and international research at the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Biosystems Engineering (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University) and later as head of the Operations Management Division (Department of Engineering, Aarhus University). Extensive record of international cooperation and a dedicated partner in networking/inter-disciplinary cooperation and project funding, both national and international. He is the past president of CIOSTA (Commission Internationale del’Organisation Scientifique du Travail Agriculture), past president of EurAgEng (the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EugAgEng), and past-chairman for CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural Engineering) Section V on System Managemen. Member of the Club of Bologna, and a fellow of iAABE (International Academy of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering).