Prof. Remigio Berruto
Key-note Speech Title
“Education technology and pedagogy during the COVID-19 pandemic“
Prof. Remigio Berruto has been working at the Dept. since 1990. His studies involve energy balance calculations, technical and economic evaluations and system analysis to enhance the performance of global and local supply-chains, equipment working in field and logistic operation. He is involved in prototypes building for biomass harvest and low temperature drying. He presented over 170 papers published on journals and conference proceedings. He teaches master level classes on distribution logistics, renewable energy systems for agriculture, database management, simulation of agro-food and bioenergy chain processes. He is vice-president of CIGR (Internation Commission of Agricultural Engineers) section V –System management. Within CIGR he founded a working group on logistic for agro-food and biomass. He worked in collaboration with industrial wineries to test technologies for wine making and self-moving grape harvesters. He works with discrete event simulation modelling to optimize logistics and operation related to agrifood production.